Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Musings

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you are spending your weekend doing fun stuff with friends and loved ones in the sunshine.  My social calendar has felt a bit out of control for May and June so after powering through a wedding I jumped on the Baby Shower train this weekend to celebrate my amazing and lovely friend Elise who is due in about 7 weeks. I can't wait to hold her sweet girl and I am so sad I didn't snap any pictures of her shower because it was totally Pinterest worthy and beautiful! I tend to give "practical" baby gifts because The Housewife swears that getting diapers/wipes or anything else you use a ton and don't have to buy for a while are a big fave among Moms.  So I grabbed a giant, heavy box of baby wipes to wrap up for my good friend. Who knew we would be here when I met her years ago the day we moved into our dorm in college?! 

prettied up baby wipes. 

I also found this cute little online shop {Made By Girl} and have been drooling over this mint colored print!  Also, owner/blogger Jen Ramos is super cute and has two Boxers that she loves, so I'm obviously a huge fan based on that fact alone. She sells prints, stationary, and accessories -- and her blog is super fun, too.  I am {hopefully} about to hang my curtains in the kitchen that The Housewife so kindly helped me make from some Target panels {post to come} so I am starting to think about my empty and bland entry way where I can probably hang this. I may finally feel like the downstairs is semi-complete if I can tackle that project.  

Made By Girl "Love" print 

After resting a bit post-baby shower on Saturday afternoon I came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to get anything productive done that evening, so I grabbed Hogan and we headed out to The Housewife's house.  She has an amazing screened in porch {minus the place where the screen on the door is split which allowed Hogan to escape} where we sat for the night drinking beer, watching lightning bugs, and catching up with her sister and brother-in-law who were in town visiting.  

Today will be spent cleaning {ugh} and I'll be making a trip over to Dad's for Father's Day celebrations and more coverage on The US Open.  I love that this tournament is always on Father's Day weekend. Dad was always dragging us down to the driving range with him and I have spent so much of my life on a golf course with him and will always be so grateful for all my golf lessons and the fun we have had together playing -- and even our arguments over shots.  It's always been a family sport and outing for all of us, and it couldn't have been easy toting around 3 little girls for his entire life and teaching them all his favorite lessons:  how to wash cars, throw a football, cut grass, play golf, work hard, and take care of your family.

What are your best memories with your Dads? 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~

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