Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday and Mild Anxiety Attacks

#1 has been left with P and Big J (better known as Grammie and Grandpa) for the last 24 hours which has allowed me to accomplish some major party details. By that I mean I've been running between Joann's and Michael's like a mad woman re-thinking and searching for hidden treasures that are supposed to jump out at you and say, "Look at me, I'm perfect.....and I'm on clearance too!"  Not so much. I saw one thing at Michael's yesterday and came home and actually found a cool idea online (crazy, right?) so I went back out to get it and more supplies today. Well, apparently someone else needed the only one they had there. I'm screaming obscenities in my head on the way out to my car. But I'm continuing on with my plan in hopes that the Michael's near my meeting ground for pick up/drop off with P has it. They have to. Otherwise Turtle will be getting a detailed email and stopping at the other one across town from me to pick it up, because it will surely be there if it's not at the one I'm going to. I'm glad everyone is on board.

I'm a big fan of Tori Spelling and she throws such amazing parties. Now, I know that she has more money than I do but she is completely behind all of the ideas and in her reality show is usually seen doing a lot herself because she really enjoys it. Plus, she simply a genius because she has come up with tons of plays on her name- like she should freaking copyright "tori." It's clear she is a perfectionist which probably helps. Me? Not so much.

Not that anyone is following this with baited breath about the genders of my babies but I will do my best to get a post up on Monday or Tuesday with the news. With this also comes a gag order on the Single Gal for tweeting any information to y'all.  Isn't this yellow dessert table super sweet?? She has a calling for sure with entertaining. I wish she would do a home decorating book........wonder what that could be called?

Have a great weekend! Little A is coming to visit the Single Gal so I will be taking a break from all party planning for a some girl time on Saturday. Sunday is the big reveal day.

The Housewife

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