I was tweeting with a friend a week or so ago and we were debating whether Pinterest was actually inspiring or just deflating? I think any of us with young kids can agree that a simple birthday party for our kids has been raised to a completely different level. While I do think some people just pay a good amount of money for certain things there are a lot of talented moms out there who can simply do it all themselves- the McGuyvers of DIY. However, I feel like if you don't have a sewing machine, Circut, Silhouett and Photoshop you are up a big creek. The odds are stacked against you....and let's not even talk about the learning curve that comes with these machines or computer programs. I enjoy the ideas and trying new things from Pinterest but am I the only one who just gets disappointed with the outcome of what I attempt to do? I feel like #1's birthday party was a little bit of a let down but sometimes you have to do things for "you" and Mom had to run 20 miles before the party. So talk to me after you get that done before your kids birthday party.
This is just to come full circle to the Gender Reveal party we are having Sunday. I am not trying to go overboard but it would be nice if I could pull off some small, fun and creative details as intimidating as googling images of "gender reveal party" turns out to be. My main project is a fabric bunting banner and I am using the tutorial from
craftaholics anonymous.
Fabric Bunting Banner |
I had some old fabric that I used for my "test" flags. I never said I was the brightest crayon in the box and anytime I am sewing something new I just take my time to think things through and then make my cuts/sew the seams, etc. #1 was not super cooperative with the nap schedule yesterday so I was only able to figure out the test product. I was able to make all my cuts and sew all the bunting flags last night. I just got some fat quarters from Joann's to go with my yellow/gray/black color scheme.
finished bunting flags
I'll be sure to post the finished product but I have to finish it first. I have a standing play-date with a friend and her daughter who is 13 weeks older than #1 and then we met the Single Gal at Chick-fil-a for a ladies lunch. The Single Gal was sweet enough to put little drops of ketchup on all of #1's shredded chicken nugget bites while I ate my meal. Then I had to run to Buy Buy Baby for a new diaper pail because I bought the cheapest one they make and it broke the other day. Of course that's not all we ended up coming home with but more on that another day. I have plenty of little details to try to figure out for this party (oh the pressure we put on ourselves) on Sunday.
Picked these up today!!
I'm going to enjoy the details of getting things done for this party so I'm off to attach the flags to the bias tape. I will permit myself to be pleased with what I accomplish and try not to compare myself to unrealistic ideas.
The Housewife
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