Thursday, November 29, 2012

All I Want for Christmas

My little sis emailed me for my Christmas list the other day. I found the 12 year old girl in my self writing her back....." I would like the new Taylor Swift CD and The Shadowy Horses book by Susanna Kearsley." For real, that is on my list. I am finally going to get rid of my stupid blackberry! Yay! Turtle is going to be so happy I'm on iMessage so my text should never go over again and I can talk to The Single Gal even more than I do now, which one might say is impossible. I disagree.

iPhone 4S
Kindle Paperwhite 
Vera Bradley Kindle Case
Garmin Forerunner 405 Heart Rate Monitor

Obviously any kind of Sephora gift card or Starbucks gift card would gladly be accepted. I'm not sure what kind of iPhone case to get. I would love something cute but frankly I feel the need for the OtterBox because #1 is obsessed with iPad/iPhone anything and I would die a slow death if my screen got cracked. Also, I may or may not have a tendency to leave my phone in my lap and get out of the car. In which case said phone falls to the ground.

Hope you are all getting started on your holiday shopping! FedEx, UPS and shopping the internet are my best friends right now.

The Housewife

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where I Talk About Embracing Poverty and Adventure in NYC

So.....I leave tomorrow. Yay for getting up at 4 a.m. No seriously, I'm ok with that part.  

The part I am NOT ok with...TDH had the nerve to cancel on me {real talk}!  When someone says to me, "I'll make it happen. Buy the ticket" I take that to be pretty damn suggestive of a 100% commitment.  Even more of an insult? Waiting until less than 7 days before to actually cancel.  Are there any grownups left in this universe to date? Is it too much to get some general courtesy between two people?   As a result earlier this week I was stuck scrambling to find a hotel room and now I'm taking suggestions for my weekend time alone in NYC.  I was going to crash in Long Island with Little A's in-law familia but I felt like I was imposing.  And it was super last minute.  And y'all know it would kill me to feel like I was being rude or freeloading.  So, I just decided that I was going to get a hotel and spend some time {and an exorbitant amount of money} in the city alone.  

Am I terrified that I will get lost and die? Absolutely.  But my hotel is pretty close to Central Park and MOMA and surely I can find a coffee shop in between if I need to kill more time before checking in to my room for Saturday.  I refuse to let it ruin my last vacation of 2012.  Little A may come back into the city Saturday to stay with me and watch football but if not, someone at least find me a good Thai place where I can order  dinner to take back and eat in my bed. 

And if all that fails there's always vodka.  Lots of vodka. 

{More news -- I'm clearly in an emotional cul de sac. Discuss.} 

So off I go to embrace poverty, adventure in NYC, and ponder the emotional cul de sac. 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Nursery

I will make this a quick post. I had a lot of fun doing this room for the girls and had to force the Turtle to help me with an incredible wall stencil to ensure that he was cursing me, all blogs and pinterest ideas.   But in his defense as far as husbands go he is always a champion for decorating the house and willing to spend money on it. What husband says, "We need a rug"? Mine. That's who. Pardon the mobil and things shoved under the cribs and the sofa. This was not a magazine photo shoot and I didn't feel like moving it all just for some pictures. Sue me.

See iheartorganizing for wall stencil tutorial

here you can see my vignette...where Turtle broke my sunburst mirror
and I'm too lazy to get replacement mirror glass

help....I need better more colorful throw pillows

Here is the where you can get this shit list:

- Wall Color: Sherwin Williams Passive
- Stencil Color: Behr's Seven Seas
- Sofa: Home Decorators
- Cribs: hand me down but PB Kids from 5 years ago
- Crib Sheet: PB Kids   Penelope Pink/Chocolate
- Changing Table: Ikea Hemnes
- Sunburst Mirror: Home Depot/Martha Stewart
- Curtains: previously owned Ikea that I lined with black out fabric
- Etsy Print: Otter Half by Panini Press
- Stencil: Cutting Edge Birch Forest Wall Stencil

I wanted to sew crib skirts myself but I just didn't feel like investing in them because once you drop the crib down they hang too low and look messy. I wanted to sew a changing pad cover but just didn't get around to it. And the room still needs a rug and some better pillows for the sofa but our checking account called and said it was hemorrhaging over this room. We love the couch and it's nice to both be able to sit on it when we are doing the night feeds. Except we sit on the floor most of the time because Harper has some reflux issues. Spitting up like she was in the Exorcist or something. I called and got her some Zantac and it has helped.

Enjoy! I'm super obsessed with the stencil wall for sure and everyone who sees it in person thinks its wallpaper.

The Housewife

Thursday, November 22, 2012


The Housewife and I want to wish y'all a happy and safe Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for reading and sharing with us! 

Love you. Mean it. 

The Housewife & The Single Gal

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


We headed to the doctor on Election Day thinking that we would be starting induction that Friday. At this point, the midwife walked in and basically asked us when we were having these babies. We discussed some things and then she gave us who was scheduled and what day that week. The only midwife I knew was on for Wednesday. Turtle really didn't want to go in on Tuesday night but he said that was fine. A doctor is also always present during a twin delivery but I had never met any of them and it didn't matter to me. We came home, packed and went o my in-laws to spend time with #1 before we left. She was having so much fun playing and old us, "Byeeeee. have a good timeeeee." Crazy kid.

We got checked in at 8:30 pm. Watched the Election coverage. Went to bed disappointed. I didn't get any sleep between the nurses constantly coming in to adjust the monitors to pick up the babies heart rates and the noise of those automatic double doors right outside our room. Then at 4:30 am I was awakened by screams. A nurse came in shortly after so I asked her if a baby was born and she said yes. A lady came in and delivered in 20 minutes. The nurses call those "drive by's.". I made Turtle wake up at 5. The doctor came by at 8 to chat and we really liked him. He explained everything and also told us they would be using a vacuum on Baby B to make sure she was in the birth canal and didn't turn but not for extraction. Pitocin started at 8:30 and almost 4 cm by 11. The midwife was going to break my water but it was a bit uncomfortable so we called for the epidural and yes I was feeling my contractions. I was trying to get to at least a 4 before getting the epidural. My epidural was much better than the one I had with #1- which they had to do twice. Started feeling a little pressure at 1:20 pm and called for the midwife....dilated to a 7. Then called again shortly after and it was time. I think the nurse was afraid I was going to push before everyone got there because she kept telling me not to.

Then the room was flooded with people. I'm talking about at least 20 people. 2 pushes and Baby A (Hadley) was born. Se did cry but I could tell it wasn't a great cry. They took her to the bed and started the evaluation. More people come in the room. Then things get dicey. The midwife was up on the bed running the ultrasound and the doctor keeps yelling something about not finding heart tones. They are not telling me to push. Then I hear the nurse calling for an OR. Still not telling me to do anything. Then they tell me I can push but I have to push hard because if I don't hurry then I'll have to get a c-section. In the moment I wasn't really thinking about those negatives, I was actually ready to tell them to just take me if that's what they need to do. So I pushed....and it was hard. I couldn't feel the baby coming down like I did when I delivered Hadley. I kept pushing and finally she came with the help of he vacuum. Poor kid was probably born with a headache. Still concerns about both babies and if they have to take them anywhere. Turtle checks on them. They decide Hadley needs to go to transitional nursery. They were unnamed at this point because I couldn't really hold them and look at them. Harper got o stay and Turtle went with Hadley. The doctor said I did a good job. He said his other concern was that my heart rate had dropped to the 50s and that was part of the reason for calling for an OR to be prepped. Hadley was back with us within three hours and checked out fine. There were concerns about her breathing but she never needed oxygen.

Hadley Elizabeth born at 1:42 pm 6 pounds 7 ounces.

Harper Leighton born at 1:49 pm 6 pounds 12 ounces.

I wish we had more birth pictures but it was really insane with so many teams of people working on me and the girls. I hope this wasn't too long. It felt like they were born 30 minutes apart and not just seven. I labored by typing this out on my iPad.....sorry if any typos.

The Housewife

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Ghost of The Housewife

Hi everyone. We've been trying to settle into our new "normal" for the past two weeks. Things with the twins have been going well as having two newborn babies can go. I don't think we were quite as prepared for how we would feel about #1's transition. She has really done as well as can be expected and I think it has truly been harder on the Turtle and myself. When she came to the hospital she seemed SO much bigger than when we left her. I felt like she turned four over night and I missed it. I had no qualms about picking her up when I was pregnant (even though everyone told me not to do it) but now she feels heavy to me. Most of the tears on Friday night were ours and not hers.

Turtle went back to work today. I had to take the twinkies to the doctor AGAIN for a weight check. Luckily, Turtle's Aunt came over to watch #1 for me while I took them. They seem intent on sinking their college funds in co-pays lately, but they finally surpassed their birth weights....hallelujah. I had big plans to blog the birth story today but I had two little party crashes who wanted to eat and eat some more. Then #1 woke up and that was that. I promise I will get it up soon and I will do a nursery post ASAP when I can.

I should probably be sleeping......but I'm not. Meh. I can tell you we have an un-godly amount of coffee stashed away in this house.

Miss y'all.
The Housewife

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cozy Saturday

I'm incredibly sad to report that while all my friends are in the mountains for a wine tasting free-for all this weekend for my friend's 30th birthday I am stuck here at home.  I can't seem to shake this horrible head cold.  It's not the worst I have ever had regarding the runny nose/sore throat -- but the headaches and the exhaustion are definitely there.  After taking it easy all week I expected to feel a lot better. I'm also staying home in my already mentioned paranoia in which I am terribly afraid to be sick for Thanksgiving and my NYC trip.  I must get better. 

So...with that said, Hogan and I are trying to get extra cozy this weekend. 

A few necessities:

Lots of fluids.  Lots of hot tea and water with lemon! 

Time for copious amounts of reading.  And when I'm over that, I have plenty of DVR. 

"You've Got Mail"

Let's not forget the value of that movie you've seen a thousand times already that they are playing on TV.  You can take your sickly nap and wake up finding you haven't missed anything as a result.  You've Got Mail was on last night and I adore this movie so much!  I especially adore Tom Hanks in anything.  I just love the end when she says, "I wanted it to be you.  I wanted it to be you so badly." 

Now if I can find the energy to do some laundry so I won't feel like today was completely wasted. 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Real Talk

I'm instituting a "Real Talk" edition of the blog this week.  I am so sad to report I am still tired and exhausted and feeling like crap.  I ran home yesterday to walk the dog for about half an hour and then promptly came in a baked for the rest of the night {and cleaned all the dishes and the kitchen all over again} because we had our work Thanksgiving party today.  

I'd like someone to please explain to my why I felt like I had to bake a breakfast item and a loaf of pumpkin bread for dessert in order to feel like I "fully" participated or did my part.  Because most of the time I roll into the break room to find two store bought pies and 2 store bought cakes or cupcake trays from other people that just snapped something up at the store.  Seriously, why?!

My friend Mary at work says I've been "kevetching" all week {am I spelling that remotely right? anyone?}. This is apparently a Jewish term for complaining  but more like someone is complaining on steroids.  I felt badly about that.  I've had a really hard file to deal with over the last month with 4 different people and they are bound and determined to drive me bat shit crazy.  I can't tell you how many voicemails I have deleted with vulgar language in the last 7 days.  I want to yell at them and get fired.  Seriously.  I've been driven to sitting in the tub and drinking wine at night this week just to try to relax.  

Also...3 Putt texted me today. The nerve.  I've essentially un-facebooked, un-followed, and un-everything any social media or anything in my life to do with him but I guess he hasn't done the same.  Lamenting about having to probably board my sweet Hogan while I am in NYC I in turn get a text message that he "would be happy to watch Hogan".   If only you people could see me hooked up to a machine and watch the spike in my blood pressure to even see his name on my phone screen {even after all this time}.   Of course he would be happy to -- except, I'm not in the business of making sure he is happy anymore.  These messages also have that terrible effect of great sadness on me.   Because I literally have nightmares about him. Terrifying ones. All the time.  And I want to know when I will go through a day or even two without thinking about him.  

I know I have lots of fun stuff going on and lots of awesome stuff to look forward to but I am stumped this week.  Maybe it's because next week is Thanksgiving and it's sort of like a non-ghost tour Christmas Carol-esque wake up call for me and I'll see the light by Monday. I've been trying to get "real" about my budget and save for NYC.  I even instituted a Starbucks and FroYo restriction.  I know that drinking the shit coffee they so kindly give us at work every freaking day will be totally worth it, but again -- it's been hard to see the light this week.   But that's real life.  It's not all rainbows and nice customers at work.  You will constantly encounter people that can't understand that you need space. The kind of space that is necessary for your survival.  I need to be real about my commitment level and learn to say "no" more.   

What are you getting real about this week? 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I think I have survived at least part of the week by now.  I am scared because I have felt legit run down lately.  And not because I have been training for anything and working a crazy social schedule on top of that.  I should feel great other than the fact that work has been busy.  But I don't.  I went to bed early this week with a horrible migraine and do you know what started today...that little cough {cue The Housewife banning me from baby holding until January}. Ugh! I am going to have to start doping up on vitamins.  I can't be sick for New York!!! Or Thanksgiving!  

Anyway - Wednesdays are for love, not complaints. But let's all hope that this is just a small set back and nothing on a larger scale.  Send me the info on the cures you love for all your little coughs, etc.  I want them. 

So here we go. 

What I'm Loving

{warm fires}

*note photo of my dream living room, not actual living room*

the best thing about my house is that I thought enough to get a Single-Gal-friendly fireplace with gas logs. i know that it doesn't compare to the sound/smell/feel of a real fire but it sure is nice to flip a switch and get those gas logs roaring.  it's also Hogan's fave place to snooze in the winter. 

{dark nail polish}

this is one part i wish i could pull off all year but you tend to look a little cray if you have blood red nails all the time in july.  i'm still loving some sonia kashuk polish i got at target a couple years ago for my fall/winter color. i like #15 - stop whining.  i didn't think they still carried it at target but a quick internet search proved me wrong and its only $4.97.  

{cropped tweed jackets}

i would love a fancy cropped tweed jacket. i've been lamenting my lack of one in the closet since that first fall day but Single Gals have to prioritize.  sometimes even the "girl on a budget" section on piperlime seems pricey.  and while i have been doing much better at saving money i did a forever 21 run though the mall today and grabbed a black one.  it was $37.  i kind of love it.  no ootd yet but i will try to grab a photo. i envision it with my flare jeans like the photos all over pinterest.  you know, because i am unable to come up with an original idea for an outfit.  but if it works it works, right?

i tried to find a link online for the one i bought with no luck.  lamesauce. 

What are you loving? 

~the single gal~

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Restaurant Review: Canoe

I got up early this morning to jump on this post! I don't even know if y'all like the restaurant reviews but I could not let this week pass without expressing my love for Canoe.  For years I've heard how wonderful and beautiful this place is and it did not disappoint.  We went for an early birthday celebration for Little A's Dirty Thirty. 

If you google enough images you will see that solely based on scenery they have many, many weddings and other nice events here as well.  It's super romantic there so there are TONS of couples but don't let that deter you one bit because we also had a perfect girls night out. {Additionally, I will say that if your man takes you -- he is a keeper for sure.}

*photo credit here*

**photo credit here*

Daytime view.
*Photo credit here*

One piece of advice -- reserve your table early! I got on Open Table on Sunday night to make our Saturday reservation and we could either eat at 5:45 or at 9:00 p.m. We opted for 9 and decided to arrive around 8 for pre-dinner drinks at the bar. The bartender was excellent at helping us pick out our wine from their list and they even transferred our drinks to our dinner tab so we didn't have to go through the trouble of closing out at the bar before dinner {serious bonus points for that}.  The hostess also offered to try to seat us early if we wanted, but we were having fun chatting so I never went back over to grab her and ask if we could eat early but it was extremely nice and awesome of them to offer.  

Our server Mitch was absolutely fantastic! Request him if you go!  He knew so much about the menu and was able to guide us to really good choices for appetizers and entrees.  He also didn't seem to mind that we were loud, drank lots of wine, and demanded a brunch menu and discussion of said brunch menu before we left the premises.  

You can find their menu here -- although I am sure they do some seasonal changes.  I had the Pan Seared Arctic Char for my entree and it was incredible.  Really, really great food!  I think all the girls agreed.  Also unprecedented -- we could not decide on one dessert to try so we each got one at the end of the night.  I had the apple cobbler.  I was so full I couldn't eat it all even if I wanted to so I was sad to see some of it go in the garbage at the end of the night but I couldn't get another bite in of anything.  But they have a ton of signature plates and dishes Mitch told us about and it was so hard to decide that I will just have to go back very soon to try something else.  A++ on service, ambiance, and food.  Everyone go and tell me how much you loved it!

Love you. Mean it.
~the single gal~

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Obsessions:LOFT Chain Necklace

The girls and I were shopping on Sunday-- or really just kind of wandering and we eventually went into The Loft because they were having a 40% off sale.  I walked around with this dress in my hands for a while, but couldn't quite commit as I am trying really hard to save some money for NYC.

I really still love it, but it was $89.95 and even at 40% off I just couldn't quite commit.  I think the picture here doesn't quite do it was a bit darker in color and I didn't feel like the sleeves belled out all that much in case you were wondering.

I was about to go through the check out line with it when I spotted this Loft chain link necklace that Guiliana Rancic made for them or something to benefit breast cancer {read: see, I give to charitable organizations...kind of...}.

I. Love. This. Necklace. And I got it for right around $40.  I wanted to run straight home and wear it with my Sunday pajamas that I promptly got in to spend the rest of the day.

You can find it here...but the sale ended yesterday.  But I may have paid regular price for it because it is so beautiful. 

Love you. Mean it.
~the single gal~

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Mornings

Happy Sunday, y'all!  How is the weekend almost over? I had a fun play date/date on Friday with Rocky where we met up at the park with our dogs {Hogan and Luna} and walked and talked and let them meet and play.  Hogan was a gentleman and very well behaved just like I expected him to be but Luna is still just a puppy so I am pretty sure it wore him out just hanging out with her for 2 hours! We let them loose in a baseball field {even though I can hardly get Hogan to come back so I can put his leash on} and it was fun for me to see him just run around and play.  Sometimes I forget how fast and athletic he is even though he is a 8 year old puppy.  It made me really happy to see him stretch his legs and run and bounce around.  I'm still not sure how I feel about Rocky.  He's been trying to play hard to get with me which just results in us hardly talking because I am not going to be texting anyone to ask for a date.  I don't get him.  

 It's a blissful morning here because I am up early getting some work done while Em and Little A are sleeping in.  I love having my girls here for a weekend!!!!  Hosting is so much fun!  We've been out and about visiting The Housewife and playing with #1 and holding new babies, drinking champagne "just because", and catching up with each other.  We had a wonderful dinner last night at Canoe {review to come} with Elise but we didn't get home until 11:30 or so {which is apparently now late if you are approaching 30}.  We had "big" plans to hit Little Alley Steak in Roswell for some after dinner drinks but there was no way that was happening.  I had coffee after dinner and once we got home we all promptly went to bed.  Funny how life changes. 

This morning I'm listening to...

I also picked up another book this past week. I needed to get my head out of that Outlander series for a bit.  I've been meaning to get the prequel to Cassandra Clare's YA series City of Glass {etc} and Em was kind enough to lend me her copy of Clockwork Angel. 

And once the girls get up we will having coffee and making pumpkin pancakes. 
Grabbed this recipe off of Pinterest and it's super easy and delicious! Great for family breakfast. 

*photo from website w/ recipe*

All this just means I am one of the happiest girls in the greater Atlanta area today! 
What do you with your girlfriends when they are in town? Traditions? Breakfast fare? I want to know. 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Check In

Happy Friday, all! It's the Single Gal again. And it probably will be until further notice.  Obvs since the Housewife brought home two new adorable additions to her household it's going to be super cray over there until they get their new routine, schedule, and family life worked out.  I will try to get some small posts out of her for sure, but just going to the hospital for like an hour there seemed to be a lot of activity! And that was without #1 around. 

Things I'm pondering today....

...what does one wear to a doggy play date that's also a date? I'm supposed to meet my young man (dubbed The Italian Stallion/Rocky by my friend at work) and his dog at the park today with Hogan and I'm at a loss.  

...also, went to the movies last Saturday with Rocky.  He doesn't open car doors. BIG PROBLEM. I may have been a bitch about it. 

...20 days until NYC.  Arguably incredibly excited about this and seeing TDH as he opens doors.  All of them. All. The. Time. And more. 

...I made pumpkin chili last week and I will try to get that post up soon. It was awesome. And I still have tons left. It will feed an army. Or a Single Gal for 1.5 weeks. 

Oh -- I also bit the bullet and got those black Sperry boots. They were already on sale at Piperlime and then they did an additional 15% off this week.  So I did it.  It's not like I can't send them back so I am not sure why I am pretending this crisis means the end of the world. 

Little A is in town this weekend as well as Em.  We are having girls dinner with Elise at Canoe on Saturday night. I've been dying to go for years. I hear it is incredibly beautiful there and tasty! Review to come! 

I have to go clean up dog vomit and freshen up for the park.  

What are your weekend plans? 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

First -- I did want to mention that The Housewife was induced today and we have babies! Finally! All are happy and healthy and I will let her feel better and tell the story in a few months when she has more than 5 seconds to herself.  I haven't seen them yet because she was originally trying for induction Friday and work has been insane this week so I am going tomorrow. 

It's been a long day so you get some fun stuff I've been thinking about. 

More boots! Sperry Shearwaters in Black
{shocker, I know.}

I kinda dig these black ones.  AND -- they are on sale for $68 on Piperlime.  I figure if I hate them I will just send them back and get the charcoal pair? I think I would like them a lot better and be able to commit if I could just put them on with a freaking outfit.  I can't visualize.  Anyone ever have that problem?

Tory Burch Amanda Crossbody

If I had a rich and loving boyfriend this would be on my Christmas list for him.  $225. You know the drill. 

Laura Mercier Pressed Mineral Powder

With summer long gone as well as my last bit of a tan it's safe to say my philosophy mineral powder has to go, too.  They just don't make a color to fit my pale winter skin.  After much debate I've moved to the Laura Mercier pressed mineral powder (not to be confused with the pressed powder) in the lightest shade they have. We are going for Ann Hathaway porcelain this winter.  $36.  {Got mine at Sephora/The Mecca.} 

I'll let you know if I manage to actually make a boot purchase before my plane leaves for NYC.  TDH called today and I swear he could read me the phone book in his dreamy accent and I would be utterly charmed.  

What are you loving? Christmas is coming! Tell!

Love you. Mean it. 

~the single gal~

Monday, November 5, 2012

Confessions of a Pregnant Housewife

I was hoping to be that super trooper lady pregnant with twins who could make it to 40 weeks but I'm 37 weeks and grateful they will hopefully schedule induction for Friday. (FYI for anyone new my practice will not let me go past 38 weeks so skip the comments that 40 weeks is ideal.)

I'm glad we were tired and taped the last half of he Alabama game Saturday because it probably would have sent me into early labor. Happy for a win in Death Valley. 

I'm still slightly hopeful there is a small chance I will go into labor naturally before I laugh in my own face. Sigh. 

I'm highly curious about the weird deflation of my stomach that will hopefully occur once the babies are delivered. 

If you are a family member reading this, I have NOT actually scheduled anything with the doctor for delivery. I will call YOU when that has actually happened. Do not call me freaking out that I have not told you something. 

I have not packed a bag yet. I did pack some baby outfits though. 

While I'm totally not into an only child scenario I am secretly afraid having more children will ruin #1's life. I know this will pass....or she can find a good therapist to bitch about me to. 

I think all doctors tell poor pregnant ladies they are 1 cm at this point....conspiracy theory. 

A slightly uncomfortable & grumpy housewife

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday Trifles

Well, the weather has finally turned here in Georgia.  I don't feel prepared at all especially since I was in Florida last weekend where the weather was still pretty mild, albeit windy.  I usually prefer to totally hibernate and stay indoors during winter but I am not one to deny Hogan walks unless its extra frigid or rainy outside.  So I have needed some new footwear for some time because of this. And I mean legit footwear. Warm footwear.  I'm also on a mission since I think I may freeze to death and do a lot of walking while I am in New York at the end of November. 

So for now, I give you The Great Boot Dilemma of 2012. 

Option 1: Sperry Shearwater Boots

Plaid and Charcoal. $98. Can be found at Nordstrom here.
JCrew edition Sperry Shearwaters.  $138. Found here.

Or...I could grab the Hunter boots I have been coveting for well over a year.  And while it's doubtful { chance} I will come close to resembling the ever chic Kate Moss I would probably really like these, too.

Option 2: Hunter Original Wellies

Black Hunter Wellies. $135.  Found here.

Obviously I can't have both in the immediate future.  And, sometimes I have issues with tall boots.  I kind of hate my over the knee ones most days.  I feel like I can't move around in them.  One thing that makes me lean towards the Shearwaters is the fact that my Sperry boat shoes were quite possibly one of the most comfortable pair of walking shoes I have ever had.  I wore them out.  But if I get the Shearwaters which pair do I get? Expensive, jazzy JCrew color...or cute charcoal plaid? 

Or just tell me what boots you have that you like.  Or about any of your Saturday trifles. 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Catch Up

Well, after promising The Housewife I would blog all week it never really happened.  Somehow going to Jax for the The Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party in the World always seems to drain the life out of you.  I had a wonderful trip with my friends! We stayed just over on the other side of the river so we had easy access to everything.  Elise and her husband also lived in Jax for a bit so they know their way around town which I love.  This meant we got to skip going to the dreaded Landing {just way, way, way too crowded there AND they charge a cover now!} and go to some fun bars on Friday night and had a great tailgating spot.  As a Single Gal I actually enjoy traveling as 3rd wheel because really I get to have a husband for the weekend, too.  Someone to drive us around, get us breakfast in the morning, take the cars and set up the tailgate, etc.  I got to see Elise's sweet Little Baby C again, too.  And she was a perfect angel on our car ride to and from her grandparents house.

For your enjoyment here is a lovely pic of me pretending I'm in college again.

I also went into the stadium for a game for the first time in a few years! Too bad the guy that sold us tickets lied and said we were on the UGA side...because we so were not. 

Go Dawgs!!
I was so happy that we won! We played a decent game. Except for the fact that Murray threw about as many picks as there were drunk bitches in the student section.  Hoping we put in some good work for the Ole Miss game this weekend. 

In other news. I just wanted to let you know that we had our Halloween Party at work and I won for best dessert.  I decorated some giant marshmallows with "scary" faces and made teeth with apple slices, peanut butter, and marshmallows.   I was surprised by how good they were because I kind of thought it was an odd combo, but it worked.  Could also be a fun snack to make with kids {but what do I know, I'm single?}. 

Ok. Excuse the typos if there are any. It's early.  

Love you. Mean it.

~the single gal~