Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cozy Saturday

I'm incredibly sad to report that while all my friends are in the mountains for a wine tasting free-for all this weekend for my friend's 30th birthday I am stuck here at home.  I can't seem to shake this horrible head cold.  It's not the worst I have ever had regarding the runny nose/sore throat -- but the headaches and the exhaustion are definitely there.  After taking it easy all week I expected to feel a lot better. I'm also staying home in my already mentioned paranoia in which I am terribly afraid to be sick for Thanksgiving and my NYC trip.  I must get better. 

So...with that said, Hogan and I are trying to get extra cozy this weekend. 

A few necessities:

Lots of fluids.  Lots of hot tea and water with lemon! 

Time for copious amounts of reading.  And when I'm over that, I have plenty of DVR. 

"You've Got Mail"

Let's not forget the value of that movie you've seen a thousand times already that they are playing on TV.  You can take your sickly nap and wake up finding you haven't missed anything as a result.  You've Got Mail was on last night and I adore this movie so much!  I especially adore Tom Hanks in anything.  I just love the end when she says, "I wanted it to be you.  I wanted it to be you so badly." 

Now if I can find the energy to do some laundry so I won't feel like today was completely wasted. 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~

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