Monday, July 27, 2015

Pushing Through Monday...

I feel like I need to come up with better titles for these blogs but you can't win 'em all right? 

You guys I just had to stop back by because holy cow I'm signing all these papers and sending all these tax returns for the refinance on our house and I feel like this is some sort of unintentional Name Change Shaming.  No, I haven't told the bank that I need my name changed on the loan (They get their who really cares?).  No, the card I am using to pay my appraisal is not in my married name.  It goes on.  I am just going to send the guy a copy of our marriage certificate and wish him well. I'll be busy making my chore list around the house before the appraiser comes. 

I feel really weird today - (like overheated or something?) and wanted to skip the gym...but hey I'm not drowning at work anymore so I sat in the parking lot today and I couldn't really think of a good excuse NOT to go in.  Snaps for back episodes of the Call Your Girlfriend podcast.  Hauled my ass up many flights of faux stairs. 

When we come back from vacation and close this refi I refuse to do anything productive or adult on anything until 2016. I'll just work and zone out on Netflix or something. 

Anyway, some name change fun for you...because one day I'll stop talking about. But that day is clearly not today.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Morning/ Pre-Vacation

I'm having some early Sunday morning quiet time before church and trying to prep for vacation. Friday we are off to Beaver Creek in CO for my cousin's wedding and then Vegas before we head home.  I'm super excited as this is our only big trip for the year  but does anyone run into pre-vacation stress? It is real! The house is a small disaster in our high traffic areas, organizing pet sitters, library trips, trying to pack and make sure everything is taken care of before we go so we don't come back and are miserable...I'm hoping big lists will help! If you could tell me why I thought it would be a great idea to go through refinancing our home right now I'd be grateful.  

I'm hoping that a great sermon today at Revolution, lots of coffee and a pedicure this evening with The Housewife will smooth everything out.  Matt is off pretty early today for a weekend so I'm sure we will have some quality time tonight too.  

  • In other news...I'm really enjoying a blonde moment in my life.  I really have bumped up the brightness in this mane for a much needed hair change.  I'm really feeling it. 
  • I read this book but it was just okay....but have this and "Girl on the Train" coming from the library today. 
  • The Housewife has me addicted to Podcasts and I seriously enjoyed some back episodes of Call Your Girlfriend while I was in the office for a bit yesterday catching up on some items. 
  • The JCrew sale did not hurt my feelings the last few weeks.  I'm having a moment with basics lately.  The sale is good people - this comes from a girl that normally buys all her J. Crew on Ebay.  I have the following en route to my house: 

J.Crew Amalia High Heel Sandals

J.Crew Boy Shirt in Tidewater

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Coming Up for Air

It feels so good to have a little breathing room at work right now.  Not a lot but hopefully the rest of the year will be easier and I can catch up.  My desk looks like a paper tornado went through so I'm trying to organize one thing a day in that area because I may disappear soon and I'd like them to know I'm there and still pay me.   We actually have a half day tomorrow before leaving for a volunteer event at the Atlanta Food Bank and then a happy hour so I'm pretty excited about that. This week was so calm I actually made it to the gym instead of working out at home.  Snaps for me. 


  • Because you care so much so far I have changed my name with the Social Security Office, the DMV, sent off my Passport, gone to the bank to change my accounts, the gym, and put in the request at work (thank goodness they handle my licenses!). I still have my bills, the library, and any other cards I hold let alone all my shopping accounts.  It may never end. 
  • Since I love bandwagons and being late to parties I finally ordered this face mask to try when I had my last Amazon Prime haul. I read where a girl that lives in Chicago was getting facials prepping for her wedding and her girl swore by this. She looks fancy people.  Her facial routine probably cost as much as my wedding. I was extra excited about this because I usually don't do masks and they remind me of my childhood and having beauty night with Mom. Clearly I will wake up and not need wrinkle cream anymore...or maybe still...

  • It was Arnie's Gotcha Day anniversary yesterday.  Matt bought him a gigantic bone and to say thank you he threw up everywhere in the middle of the night.  I was against the bone so that meant I got out of carpet cleaning.
  • Read this and this last week while it rained. 

Happy Wednesday! I'll work on some more interesting musings. 

the married gal

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Where I Share About Shoes and Carrot Fries....

I really loathe people who are always saying they are sooooooo tired/exhausted because really that's just something that real life throws on us at times.  I won't go there because I know that everyone out there is tired.  It's fine.  It's sometimes the nature of being an adult.  Mostly I do like being an adult.  Mostly...

I won't bore you with how much I worked already this week but I will have a small celebration here for some recognition from my manager at our team meeting this week.  Snaps to him for the nice bottle of wine that came with it (we love wine at this house).  I also found out that I have a small bonus coming in August -- which after not getting a raise this year -- it could be all of $100 and I would still be ecstatic.  Even if it will be sent to grown up things like paying off debt or my Roth.  Or that pesky medical bill from a doctor visit in March that I'm ignoring because I hate high deductible plans (note an adult thing I do not like). 

I digress.  To fun stuff.

  • I made carrot fries on Sunday! It was easy and I really liked them.  If it helps sway anyone Matt advised me that even he liked them and carrots normally make him "dry heave" (what is it with men and vegetables?). 
  • I would like to bake this sometime soon.
  • Recently purchased these shoes -- I really wanted the Vince Allison mules that everyone has but many thanks to the blogger that linked the super similar  Shoemint Miller mules Kohl's. They are pretty much just alike.  
Really I want to stay home and drink coffee in a summer Thunderstorm tomorrow morning. I will say it's super nice that we have a short week and even get to close up early tomorrow.  We have a super low key Fourth of July planned and I'm really excited about it.  Catching up on cooking, reading, working out, and lake time!