Some good visuals on what my “Single Gal Weekend Fun” pretty much consisted of....
I probably left the house twice. The first time for an 8 mile run with The Housewife in some rain coupled with what I would call I medical emergency (seriously, don’t ask -- I might have had a mild case of food poisoning or something) and a crazy lady tracking us down to tell us she almost ran over us (totally would have been her fault so I am not sure why that happened). The important thing--we finished and I kept going! The other good thing about all of our training so far is that I feel good and I think I am getting stronger and maybe a little faster (sigh of relief). I just might be a real bad ass by the time December rolls around.
Even though I may have spent the weekend completely holed up and alone at my house it was actually nice after being out of town last weekend.
Awesome things about staying home this weekend:
1. Spending my entire weekend with this guy, even though he doesn’t help with the house cleaning.
2. My vision plan changed at work which meant I got to return to my favorite eye doctor in the world. And he always tells me I have beautiful eyes which is super nice, even though I am sure he tells that to all the ladies.
3. I started a new book! And its YA lit so I should be finished by tonight.
4. Took some time for some personal, financial organization and am working really hard on getting back on a budget (Read: I have to stop buying what I want, when I want. I have a fur child to take care of now. I am seriously in denial as I just placed an order on Now if I could just get my software to work with my online banking transactions...
(Big thanks to Little A for sending me a gift card for Mvelopes! Seriously worth visiting this site. Trust.)
5. House is SUPER sparkly and clean which means I can relax my OCD tendencies a bit. Ignore the fact that I still have no curtains in the kitchen area. I mean, its only been 2 years since I moved in. Give a girl some time.
6. I tagged Bubba Watson in a tweet yesterday and he tweeted me back. TWICE! I feel like we are friends now. Hoping he does well in The Open next week! Go Bubba! Go Dawgs!
Hope y'all had lovely, wonderful weekends!
~the single gal~
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