Monday, July 9, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

Well.........we're baaaack. As I get older my tolerance for vacation-y things is less and less and I get homesick. Homesick for my own car, my own stocked refrigerator and the freedom of being alone in my own space. We did have a wonderful time and #1 traveled well. The Single Gal's company always makes me feel better on a family trip as well but sadly she was back here...thankfully reachable by phone/email/text/twitter when we needed to communicate. Turtle didn't join me until later in the week and #1 was making me a little weary by that time. #1 loved the water and made leaps and bounds in her swimming confidence.

Happy 4th of July (and I guess her name is not so secret anymore)

So while part of me was wishing I had some ruby slippers to get home quicker than I did (had some weather delays) #1 was completely exhausted by 10:30 and I had had Turtle take her crib down and put up a twin bed while we were gone. Turtle and I were tired ourselves and really kicking ourselves on the way home that we decided it would be a "good idea" to start this bed transition last night. But it worked out because she didn't even move an inch after I tucked her in and got done cuddling her. And I hope I'm not jinxing myself here but so far today's nap was pretty uneventful. She didn't get out of bed once. I'm sure tonight will be a different story but for now I will pull a Charlie Sheen and declare this #winning.

This is not the best but as I'm hardly ever photographed with her, here you go.

I hope y'all enjoyed your Holiday! We are glad to be back to our regularly scheduled programming around here and have plenty more baby prep to get done....on top of unpacking.

The Housewife

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