Thursday, December 6, 2012

Remember When We Thought We Had Time for a Book Club?

I remember earlier this year when The Housewife and I thought we were going to be super on top of a book club of our own making.  It was incredibly short lived.  Not that we haven't been reading machines all year, it's just that it ended up being really hard to get 4 people together that didn't even live that close or have remotely similar schedules.  

So here's what I've been reading. But since I'm on a kick y'all leave some comments on what should come next! It's getting cold out there so other than those few days a week I may need to get out and run you will find me curled up inside by the fire as our December heat wave has suddenly disappeared here in Atlanta. 

After reading Clockwork Angel I immediately jumped the second book in Cassandra Clare's series and also read it in less than a week.  And actually after googling this cover I realized that the third one appears to be out as well.  Add some YA Literature to your life people -- John Green's The Fault in Our Stars just won fiction book of the year.  Like out of all fiction books.  That is HUGE! {how weird does that word look in all caps? just me? Ok.}

I am currently in the middle of Seraphina by Rachel Hartman.  I mean, I like sci-fi YA stuff as much as anyone but I'm having a hard time getting into this one.  It's sort of like that Disney movie "How to Train Your Dragon" but not.   Maybe its because I don't have my Kindle and I've been trying to read it on my phone? I just don't love it. 

I am less than 100 pages from the end of this book that I only even started while I was traveling in NYC and read during some down time.  It. Is. So. Good.  Every time I read a book by Susanna Kearsley I am all oh-I-love-this-one-best-of-all-it-was-amazing.  I love all her stuff. Go get all her books now {if you like time travel/historical/kinda romancy books that is}.  She has similar themes for all of them but they are all very different at the same time. If that makes sense. Which it probably doesn't.  

The Housewife and I are always looking for a good book -- tell us what you are reading! 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~

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