Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 Blanket Statements

{or resolutions, intentions, etc.}

I truly hope that you are all enjoying a wonderful and happy 2013 already! Even if I don't make a lot of resolutions or goals for a particular year I like to always try to think that it will be my best yet. As someone who is in general a "goal setter" and obsessive to-do-list-maker I really like to set a few large/yearly goals this time of year.  I usually do a pretty good job of working out most of them.  And even if I don't reach my ultimate goal, all I ask is that I look back and see some forward progress. 

Like any year, 2012 was filled with lots of highs and lows.  I have two beautiful, healthy new nieces.  I had to leave a job that I loved.  But I found a job at a new place that I love.  I went through {still going?} a devastating break up.  I went to the beach for a whole week {never vacation that long}.  My best friend got married! People I love had babies. I got another year with Hogan. I had some scary moments at the vet with Hogan.  I had to spend a ton of money on my little car.  I ran my best ever half marathon. I ate at a lot of wonderful new places.  I spent way too much money last year.  Went on some bad dates.  Went on some great dates.  Spent lots of great days with my family and friends.  I am definitely interested to see what 2013 has in store for me.  I am ready for the good and the bad {hopefully lots of good though!}

So, here are a few blanket statements I am going to devote some time to in 2013: 

devote less time to my iPhone 

there is absolutely no reason at all for me to carry this phone around the house, keep it on my desk all day at work, and check it obsessively for texts, calls, emails, twitter, etc. there is a time and a place for correspondence and calls, not to mention that this time i am wasting could be spent more productively on things like blogging, reading, having a conversation in person with a good friend, quality time playing with Hogan and walking him, or enjoying my own company without interruption. 

getting real about frivolous spending

the last year or so i devoted myself to working harder to religiously make and look at my budget.  i now do it habitually, but i am a real failure at making sure i am habitually saving money or habitually sending extra to my student loan or being completely prepared for an expensive vet visit.   this is something completely within my control and it needs to happen. 

obviously there are going to be set backs and i have already realized january will be an expensive month.  i want to remind myself that this is nothing that will repair or happen overnight and stay the course.  i'm not going to lie - i already succumbed to the new year's lilly pulitzer sale.  not a good start -- but i am determined to regroup. 

 read more non-fiction

obviously The Housewife and I are huge readers.  but i would like to make a more serious effort to get some non-fiction on my new kindle paperwhite and expand my horizons and try new things of the literary persuasion. 

to have more patience

i get it from my father.  i am terribly impatient and hasty and grumpy sometimes.  i want to work more on being calm and patient and not getting fed up with the universe in the span of 5 seconds when something doesn't go as planned or the way i wanted it to go.  

What are y'alls intentions or blanket statements? What non-fiction have you read that you loved or enjoyed?  Someone send me some savings tips and unsubscribe me from all emails involving JCrew and Lilly Pulitzer. 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~ 

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