Friday, January 25, 2013


This morning I'd like to introduce you to a cookbook I've been dying over for a couple of months.  Actually, we can introduce a new blog while we are at it -- because The Smitten Kitchen has definitely found its way to my favorites bar.  I've been meaning to write about this for a while but couldn't because I was waiting to send this cookbook as a gift to Little {I know, I know, super late birthday, super late Christmas}. 

Deb Perelman's blog is noted to feature recipes from items that most people actually have in their kitchen already.  Also, lots of praise from Pioneer Woman has been listed so it has to be good, right? Girl doesn't get those recipes pinned every 5 seconds for nothing. 

I found The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook on Amazon for around $22 because it was on sale! If you have a chef in your life with a birthday coming up or want to send it to someone you love "just because" I highly recommend this one.  

What are you cooking with these days? 

Love you. Mean it. 
~the single gal~


  1. I haven't tried any of the recipes yet but I have drooled over the beautiful photography, no nonsense instructions, and lack of 57 ingredient recipes. I am eager to try a few now that I have a few days off of work and I may plan a little dinner (or breakfast) party for my weekend company!

    Thanks for the perfect gift and some added inspiration to get back into the kitchen! You have accomplished our mutual dream of becoming a great gifter, Single Gal.

    1. Ha. I will help cook from it anytime! If only I could think of the great gift and send it ON TIME. Baby steps!
