Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 Goals

I really liked whomever decided not to make concrete resolutions and use a word/words of the year. Some of these might be just feeling I want to try to emulate on a regular basis in the next year. 

1. relax
I believe (some people may beg to differ) that I am generally a "go with the flow" gal. Now, that doesn't mean I'm always happy, pleasant or truly relaxed about doing it. I get stressed out. I have a large desire and determination to be on time, despite having three little ones. The bottom line is that a three year old has no concept of time and no lack of contradicting requests when getting ready to leave the house. 

2. don't yell 
I think I feel most terrible as a mother when I yell at #1. But truth is my fuse is shorter than others some days and #1 has a propensity to push every button I have on those days. Three year olds are intuitive, what can I say? Don't believe anyone who tells you any differently. I have a hard time figuring out what works for her as far as consequences go, consequences age appropriate for a three year old. I've tried counting, the think about it chair and obviously yelling at her. She is not a "bad" kid and I'm sure the problem is that my expectations are too high. I have a fear of raising entitled little brats. Am I the only one? 

3. read more
I love reading on my Kindle but I bought actual books from the bookstore a few weeks ago. Again, I want #1 to see me reading a book. She doesn't understand that if I'm on a device that I'm reading. I never want the true form of print to disappear either. I did end up crushing through a ton of books in 2013, which was awesome. When the twins were infants I felt like I would never have the time, energy or desire to read again. But I did. Winning. I can't wait for #1 to be old enough for me to read Harry Potter to. Oh, and I need to read to the twins more. Things like that are so much harder with three. 

I still have some more measurable goals for the year too. Be more organized. Be more intentional about planning a dinner menu and sticking to it. Thursday night Pilates/Yoga fusion with the Single Gal. Pray more. More water. Less coffee. But let's be real, more water and same amount of coffee. 

much love in 2014
the housewife 

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